HoneyHiveTracer class

The HoneyHiveTracer class is a utility designed to initialize and manage a tracing session with the HoneyHive API, utilizing OpenTelemetry. This class encapsulates initialization of the tracing environment, capturing telemetry, and sending updates related to feedback, metrics, and metadata.

Our tracer uses OpenTelemetry as a base to auto-trace JavaScript code. A full explanation of how this works in JavaScript can be found here.

A general explanation of what OpenTelemetry is can be found here.


  • sessionId (string | undefined): Stores the current session ID. This is undefined until a session is initialized.
  • sdk (HoneyHive): An instance of the HoneyHive SDK used for API interactions.

Example Usage

Here’s a simplified examples showing basic initialization and usage:

import { HoneyHiveTracer } from "honeyhive";

// Initialize a session
const tracer = await HoneyHiveTracer.init({
    apiKey: "your-api-key",
    project: "Project Name",
    sessionName: "Session Name",
    source: "source_identifier"

// Enrich the session with additional data
await tracer.enrichSession({
    metadata: { key: "value" },
    feedback: { feedback: "Session feedback" },
    metrics: { metric_name: "metric_value" }

// Trace a function
tracer.trace(() => {
    // Your code here

// Trace a function with the traceFunction decorator
const tracedFunction = tracer.traceFunction()((arg1, arg2) => {
    // Your function logic here
    // Enrich a span within a traced function
        metadata: { key: "value" },
        outputs: { result: "output" }

// Flush traces
await tracer.flush();



Initializes a HoneyHive tracing session and sets up the OpenTelemetry tracing environment.


  • apiKey (string): API key for authenticating with the HoneyHive service.
  • project (string): Name of the project associated with this tracing session.
  • sessionName (string, optional): Name for this specific session. If not provided, it will use the name of the main module file or ‘unknown’.
  • source (string, optional): Source identifier, typically describing the environment or component that initiates the session (default: "dev").
  • serverUrl (string, optional): HoneyHive server URL (default: "https://api.honeyhive.ai").

Promise<HoneyHiveTracer>: A promise that resolves to an instance of HoneyHiveTracer.


Initializes a tracing session using an existing session ID.


  • apiKey (string): API key for authenticating with HoneyHive services.
  • sessionId (string): Pre-existing session ID to continue tracing.
  • serverUrl (string, optional): HoneyHive server URL (default: "https://api.honeyhive.ai").

Promise<HoneyHiveTracer>: A promise that resolves to an instance of HoneyHiveTracer.


Enriches the current session with additional data.


  • metadata (Record<string, any>, optional): Additional metadata for the session.
  • feedback (Record<string, any>, optional): Feedback data for the session.
  • metrics (Record<string, any>, optional): Metrics data for the session.
  • config (Record<string, any>, optional): Configuration data for the session.
  • inputs (Record<string, any>, optional): Input data for the session (currently not supported).
  • outputs (Record<string, any>, optional): Output data for the session.
  • userProperties (Record<string, any>, optional): User properties for the session.



Creates a decorator that can be used to trace functions, capturing inputs, outputs, and any errors.


  • eventType (string, optional): Type of event (‘tool’, ‘model’, or ‘chain’).
  • config (any, optional): Configuration options for the tracing.
  • metadata (any, optional): Additional metadata to be included in the trace.

A function that takes a function as an argument and returns a traced version of that function.


Creates a traced version of a function specifically for model operations, automatically setting the event type to “model”.


  • func (Function): The function to be traced.
  • options (object, optional): Configuration options.
    • config (any, optional): Configuration data for the span.
    • metadata (any, optional): Additional metadata to include in the span.

A traced version of the input function with model-specific tracing.


const modelFunction = tracer.traceModel(
    async function generateText(prompt) {
        const response = await LLMCompletion({ prompt });
        return response.text;
        metadata: { model: "gpt-4" },
        config: { temperature: 0.7 }


Creates a traced version of a function specifically for tool operations, automatically setting the event type to “tool”.


  • func (Function): The function to be traced.
  • options (object, optional): Configuration options.
    • config (any, optional): Configuration data for the span.
    • metadata (any, optional): Additional metadata to include in the span.

A traced version of the input function with tool-specific tracing.


  async function searchDatabase(query: string) {
    const result = await DatabaseSearch(query);
    return result;
  // Trace the pre-defined function
  const toolFunction = tracer.traceTool(searchDatabase, {
    metadata: { tool_type: "database_search" }


Creates a traced version of a function specifically for chain operations, automatically setting the event type to “chain”.


  • func (Function): The function to be traced.
  • options (object, optional): Configuration options.
    • config (any, optional): Configuration data for the span.
    • metadata (any, optional): Additional metadata to include in the span.

A traced version of the input function with chain-specific tracing.


  const processingPipeline = async (input: string) => {
    const intermediateResult = await tracer.traceTool(FirstOperation, {
      metadata: { tool_type: "first_operation" }
    const finalResult = await tracer.traceTool(SecondOperation, {
      metadata: { tool_type: "second_operation" }
    return finalResult;
  const chainFunction = tracer.traceChain(processingPipeline, {
    metadata: { chain_name: "processing_pipeline" }


Traces a function execution, associating it with the current session.


  • fn (() => void): Function to be traced.



Enriches the current span with additional data.


  • config (any, optional): Configuration data for the span.
  • metadata (any, optional): Additional metadata for the span.
  • metrics (any, optional): Metrics data for the span.
  • feedback (any, optional): Feedback data for the span.
  • inputs (any, optional): Input data for the span.
  • outputs (any, optional): Output data for the span.
  • error (any, optional): Error data for the span.



Forces a flush of all pending traces.



  • The tracer automatically instruments several popular AI and machine learning libraries, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure OpenAI, Cohere, AWS Bedrock, Google AI Platform, Pinecone, LangChain, and Chroma.
  • The enrichSpan method should be called within a traced function to ensure there’s an active span to enrich.
  • The inputs parameter in enrichSession is currently not supported and will log a warning if used.