Chroma is an AI-native open-source vector database. It comes with everything you need to get started built in, and runs on your machine.

With HoneyHive, you can trace all your operations using a single line of code. Find a list of all supported integrations here.

HoneyHive Setup

Follow the HoneyHive Installation Guide to get your API key and initialize the tracer.

ChromaDB Setup

Follow the ChromaDB Installation Guide to install ChromaDB package.


Here is an example of how to trace your code in HoneyHive.

First, download these datasets to your directory:

import os
import pandas as pd
from openai import OpenAI

import chromadb
from chromadb.utils.embedding_functions import OpenAIEmbeddingFunction

from honeyhive import HoneyHiveTracer, trace

    api_key="MY_HONEYHIVE_API_KEY", # paste your API key here
    project="MY_HONEYHIVE_PROJECT_NAME", # paste your project name here

client = OpenAI()
embedding_function = OpenAIEmbeddingFunction(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))

claim_df = pd.read_json("scifact_claims.jsonl", lines=True)
corpus_df = pd.read_json("scifact_corpus.jsonl", lines=True)
corpus_df = corpus_df.sample(10) # comment this out to use full corpus

chroma_client = chromadb.Client()
scifact_corpus_collection = chroma_client.create_collection(
    name="scifact_corpus", embedding_function=embedding_function

batch_size = 100

for i in range(0, len(corpus_df), batch_size):
    batch_df = corpus_df[i: i + batch_size]
        .apply(lambda x: str(x))
        .tolist(),  # Chroma takes string IDs.
            batch_df["title"] + ". " + batch_df["abstract"].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x))
        ).to_list(),  # We concatenate the title and abstract.
            {"structured": structured}
            for structured in batch_df["structured"].to_list()
        ],  # We also store the metadata, though we don't use it in this example.

def build_prompt_with_context(claim, context):
    return [
            "role": "system",
            "content": "I will ask you to assess whether a particular scientific claim, based on evidence provided. "
            + "Output only the text 'True' if the claim is true, 'False' if the claim is false, or 'NEE' if there's "
            + "not enough evidence.",
            "role": "user",
            "content": f""""
The evidence is the following:

{' '.join(context)}

Assess the following claim on the basis of the evidence. Output only the text 'True' if the claim is true,
'False' if the claim is false, or 'NEE' if there's not enough evidence. Do not output any other text.



def assess_claims(claims):
    claim_query_result = scifact_corpus_collection.query(
        query_texts=claims, include=["documents", "distances"], n_results=3
    responses = []
    # Query the OpenAI API
    for claim, context in zip(claims, claim_query_result["documents"]):
        # If no evidence is provided, return NEE
        if len(context) == 0:
        response =
            messages=build_prompt_with_context(claim=claim, context=context),
        # Strip any punctuation or whitespace from the response
        formatted_response = response.choices[0].message.content.strip("., ")
        print("Claim: ", claim)
        print("Response: ", formatted_response)

    return responses

samples = claim_df.sample(2)

View your Traces

Once you run your code, you can view your execution trace in the HoneyHive UI by clicking the Data Store tab on the left sidebar.