Since traces are the primary source of information in HoneyHive, it’s important to understand how to use them effectively.

This guide will cover the basics of traces in HoneyHive.

What are traces?

Traces in HoneyHive are records of events that occur in your application. They are a useful tool for logging every interaction in your application, understanding what’s happening, and can be used to troubleshoot issues and monitor performance.

A detailed description of our event data model can be found here.

We use the term log and trace interchangeably since they are the same thing in HoneyHive.

How to use traces

Below are some common use cases for traces in HoneyHive.

Sharing a trace

Sharing a trace is as simple as clicking the Share button on the top right of your trace.

The link to the trace is now copied to your cilpboard & can be shared with anyone on your team.

Opening a trace in the Playground

You can open a trace in the Playground by clicking the Open in Playground button on the top right of your trace.

Expected time: few minutes


Curate a dataset from traces

You can curate datasets for your overall session, completions or any particular step of your pipeline.

In the following example, we will do so for the overall session. You can simply add a filter for event_name or go to the Completions tab to curate model requests.

Expected time: few minutes
