
Start by logging into HoneyHive.

Expected time: 5 minutes


  • Request access here to whitelist access for your organization’s email domain.
  • If you’re interested in our Enterprise plan, please contact us at sales@honeyhive.ai.



Open our application


Login using your preferred SSO provider

If you use a different identity provider, you can either:

  • create an account manually with your email & password

  • request SAML support for your organization at dhruv@honeyhive.ai


Complete our platform onboarding flow

You will be prompted to share some basic information about your organization and your role.

Congratulations, your account is now set up and you can start using HoneyHive!

Create a project

Everything in HoneyHive is organized by projects. A project is a workspace to develop, test & monitor a specific AI application.

Expected time: 1-2 mins


  1. Navigate to the projects page
  2. Follow the steps as shown below

Congratulations, you have created your first project in HoneyHive.

You can now start logging data, running evaluations, and much more.

Get your API Key

Your API key allows you to authenticate the SDK and log data in HoneyHive.

Expected Time: < 1 minute


  • Click on the organization name in the top right corner of the screen
  • Click Copy API Key from the dropdown

Now your HoneyHive API key is copied to clipboard, feel free to use it to authenticate with our APIs & SDKs.

Install the HoneyHive SDK

To use HoneyHive, you will need to install the HoneyHive package. We currently support SDKs in Python and Typescript.

Next steps