
Our Python SDK allows you to trace your custom pipelines with per-event visibility. This allows you to monitor your pipeline’s performance and log user feedback and ground truth labels associated with each step.

For an in-depth overview of how trace data is structured, please see our Logging Overview page.

Setup HoneyHive and get your API key

If you haven’t already done so, then the first thing you will need to do is create a HoneyHive project.

After creating the project, you can find your API key in the Settings page under Account.

Once you have created a HoneyHive project and got your API keys, you can now start tracing your custom pipeline.

Install the SDK

!pip install -U honeyhive

Initializing HoneyHive tracer

First, let’s start by initializing the HoneyHive tracer.

To initialize the tracer, we need to provide 2 necessary parameters:

  1. project - the name of the HoneyHive project you want to log to
  2. name - the name of the pipeline you are tracing

We also provide 2 optional parameters:

  1. source - the source of the pipeline (e.g. “production” or “testing”)
  2. user_properties - a dictionary of user properties for whom this pipeline was ran
import os
from honeyhive.utils.tracer import HoneyHiveTracer

tracer = HoneyHiveTracer(
    project="Sandbox - Email Writer",  # necessary field: specify which project within HoneyHive
    name="Paul Graham Q&A",            # optional field: name of the chain/agent you are running
    source="testing",                  # optional field: source (to separate production & testing in monitoring)
    user_properties={                  # optional field: specify user properties for whom this was ran
        "user_id": "1234",
        "user_country": "US"

Tracing a model completion call

Next, let’s trace a model completion call.

We place the code we want to trace within a with block. This automatically calculates latency, metadata, inputs and outputs of the call.

To trace the model completion call via tracer.model, we need to provide 2 necessary parameters:

  • event_name - the name of the event you are tracing
  • input - the input to the event

On top of these, we also provide 2 optional parameters:

  • config - a dictionary of configuration parameters for the model
    • For example, this might include the provider field, which specifies the model provider (e.g. openai)
  • description - a description of what the model is doing
with tracer.model(
    event_name="Email Writer",
    description="Generate an email response based on context provided",
        "provider": "openai",
        "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        "chat_template": YOUR_TEMPLATE_HERE
) as model_call:
    openai_response =, ...)

You can also trace an OpenAI streaming model completion call by passing a config with provider set to openai and endpoint set to streaming and retrieve the response like so:

with tracer.model(
    event_name="Email Writer",
    description="Generate an email response based on context provided",
        "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        "chat_template": YOUR_TEMPLATE_HERE,
        "provider": "openai",
        "endpoint": "streaming"
) as model_call:, ...)
openai_response = model_call.get_output()

You can access the event_id for this model completion call via model_call.event_id.

View trace

You can now view this trace from within the HoneyHive platform by clicking on Data Store in the sidebar. Trace