HoneyHive is the AI evaluation & observability platform for developers & domain experts to collaborate on & build reliable AI applications faster.

HoneyHive enables modern AI teams to:

  • Trace: Log all AI application data to debug execution steps as you iterate.
  • Evaluate: Evaluate application, prompt, and component-level performance during development and in production.
  • Annotate Logs: Involve domain experts to review and annotate logs.
  • Automate Testing: Automate CI testing to catch regressions with each commit.
  • Monitor Performance: Monitor application performance and explore your logs in production.
  • Manage Prompts: Manage, version, and deploy prompts separate from code.
  • Manage Datasets: Curate fine-tuning and evaluation datasets from your logs.
  • Collaborate: Share learnings with colleagues, and much more.

HoneyHive streamlines the AI app development process by bringing together disparate, broken workflows into a unified platform for faster iteration, better visibility, and collaboration. By enabling testing before & after production, we promote a Test-Driven Development (TDD) workflow for AI app development, ensuring that your apps are reliable by design.

Our goal is to replace the current whack-a-mole AI development process with a testing and iteration framework that enables faster iteration for cross-functional teams and promotes quality and reliability at every step.

HoneyHive enables a continuous improvement data flywheel

Setup and Installation

Next Steps

If you are interested in a specific workflow, we recommend reading the walkthrough for the relevant product area.