For every generation that comes from the models, we allow teams to ingest an arbitrary JSON as feedback. This feedback is measured on a per generation level and is used for analyzing the performance of the models and create better fine-tuning payloads.

Standard Feedback

As a standard, we recommend ingesting the following feedback:

  • provided: Whether the feedback was provided for this generation
  • accepted: Whether the feedback was accepted for this generation
  • regenerated: Whether the feedback was regenerated for this generation

For the above fields, we have a built-in logic to calculate acceptance rate and regeneration rate within the dashboard. This can be useful to get started and start monitoring your models.

What kind of feedback to ingest?

Depending on one’s use-case, it might make sense to ingest different kinds of feedback.

Certain types of feedback that generally make sense are:

  1. User properties
  • Examples include: demographics, location, plan/tier, language, etc.
  1. User interactions
  • Examples include: accepted, regenerated, edited, copied, etc.

Ingesting feedback

To ingest feedback, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Get the generation id for the model response from the response on the generations API
  2. Record whichever feedback you want to ingest as a JSON object
  3. Send a POST request to the feedback API with the task name, generation id and the feedback JSON object

Using feedback

Once the feedback is ingested, it can be used 2 ways - monitoring and fine-tuning.


In the Dashboard, you can use the Where query to filter model data by the feedback you ingested. This can help you better understand how your models are performing generally and against specific cohorts.


On the Generations page, you can use the Query to fetch generations filtered by the feedback you ingested. These filtered generations can be exported for further analysis or used for creating fine-tuning payloads.