HoneyHive allows you to manage your prompts in HoneyHive instead of your codebase and deploy your saved prompts to specific env variables. This allows your domain experts to independently iterate on and deploy prompts without needing any technical skills.

This guide will walk through available environments, and how to deploy a prompt to a specific environment within the app.

Available Environments

Each environment is specific to a project and can be used to automatically fetch the latest deployed prompt version. By default, we offer the below 3 environments:

  1. dev: For development-related tasks such as testing, debugging, etc.
  2. staging: For staging your prompt changes
  3. prod: For managing your production instance

Deploying Prompts

Expected Time: Less than a minute

To deploy a prompt, simply navigate to Registry within Studio. Here, you can select any of your saved prompts and deploy it to a specific env.

Integrating with your application

You can use your deployed prompts in your code by fetching prompts configurations using our GET Configurations API. We generally suggest two deployment methods:

  1. Using our API synchronously during development: This method calls our API endpoint to fetch the latest prompt version with each request. While not recommended in production, this method allows rapid iteration and instant deployment of new prompt versions.
  2. Using our API asynchronously in production: This method allows flexibility of managing prompts within your codebase as YAML files, and asynchronously updating them using your own custom logic. We recommend this implementation in production to reduce overall system latency by ensuring HoneyHive is not in your critical path.