Human annotation allows for manual review and evaluation of AI outputs by human reviewers.

Creating a Human Evaluator

  1. Navigate to the Evaluators tab in the HoneyHive console.
  2. Click Add Evaluator and select Human Evaluator.

Evaluation Criteria

Define clear evaluation criteria for annotators:

1. Relevance: Is the response directly related to the prompt without unnecessary details?
2. Clarity: Is the message clear and easily understandable?
3. Word Economy: Are unnecessary words, phrases, or sentences eliminated?
4. Precision: Does the response use precise language without being vague?
5. Elimination of Filler: Are redundant or filler words removed?
6. Logical Flow: Does the response follow a logical sequence without unnecessary jumps?
7. Brevity vs. Completeness: Is the response concise while still covering all necessary points?
8. Consistency: Does the response maintain consistent conciseness throughout?
9. Engagement: Does the response keep the reader's interest despite its brevity?
10. Overall Impact: Does the response effectively convey the message concisely?


Return Type


  1. Numeric: For ratings on a scale
  2. Binary: For yes/no evaluations
  3. Notes: For free-form text feedback

Rating Scale

For numeric return types, specify the scale (e.g., 1-5).

Passing Range

Define the range of scores considered acceptable.

Annotation in UI

You can invite domain experts to annotate traces in any experiment. Once in, experts can annotate each trace and quickly navigate across events using keyboard shortcuts (⬆️ and ⬇️).