Python evaluators allow you to create custom evaluations for any steps in your pipeline using Python code.

Creating a Python Evaluator

  1. Navigate to the Evaluators tab in the HoneyHive console.
  2. Click Add Evaluator and select Python Evaluator.
With HoneyHive’s server-side Python evaluators, you have access to the following packages: flask, pandas, scikit-learn, jsonschema, sqlglot, and requests

Event Schema

Python evaluators operate on event objects. Key properties include:

  • event_type: Type of event (e.g., “model”, “tool”, “chain”, “session”)
  • event_name: Name of the specific event
  • inputs: Input data for the event
  • outputs: Output data from the event
  • feedback: User feedback and ground truth data
Use Show Schema in the evaluator console to explore available event properties.

Evaluator Function

Define your evaluation logic in a Python function:

def check_unwanted_phrases(event):
    unwanted_phrases = ["As an AI language model", "I'm sorry, but I can't", "I don't have personal opinions"]
    model_completion = event["outputs"]["content"]
    return not any(phrase.lower() in model_completion.lower() for phrase in unwanted_phrases)

result = check_unwanted_phrases(event)

When using Python evaluators, keep in mind the ideal resource limits: 1GB memory and a 30-second timeout for execution. Ensure your code is optimized to stay within these constraints for smooth performance.


Return Type

  • Boolean: For true/false evaluations
  • Numeric: For numeric scores or ratings
  • String: For categorical evals or other objects

Passing Range

Passing ranges are useful in order to be able to detect which test cases failed in your evaluation. This is particularly useful for defining pass/fail criteria on a datapoint level in your CI builds.

Online Evaluation

Toggle to enable real-time evaluation in production. We define production as any traces where source != evaluation when initializing the tracer.

Event Filters

You can choose to compute your evaluator over a specific event_type and event_name in your pipeline, including the root span (session).


You can quickly test your evaluator with the built-in IDE by either defining your datapoint to test against in the JSON editor, or retrieving any recent events from your project to test your evaluator against.

Commit and deploy your evaluator by clicking Commit in the top right corner.